Meet the New cTrader ID Portal
Spotware has announced the launch of a new cTrader ID site. This new website increases the value of cTrader ID and helps assure it’s value to users who were less than convinced in the concept of cTrader ID. Many traders have found it hard to come to terms with the idea of using a cTrader ID instead of a trading account number to sign in. The new cTrader ID site offers a lot of extra functionality. The features available to traders have been made a lot clearer than they were previously.
The cTrader platform is very different to others, for example, MetaTrader 4. It’s not just in terms of features where cTrader differs. The differences can be seen even in the very fundamentals of how you sign in and manage your trading account. In a previous article called How to Solve Problems Signing In to cTrader ID we have covered common concerns and misconceptions of traders. Such as the issues that may occur when simply signing into the platform. In another article How to Sign in to cTrader using cTrader ID we’ve also given detailed explanations of what a cTrader ID is.
The cTrader ID site is designed to be a secure area for everything related to cTrader. It allows users to be able to manage their credentials, accounts, notifications, and active sessions.
Manage Credentials
If you are wondering how to change your cTID username, the display name that is shown in the ctrader.com forum, this is the place. In the Credentials section of the cTrader ID portal, you are able to modify your cTID username. Sometimes the default username that is created when you sign up is not always desirable. Now you can easily change this. In this section, you can also change the email address that is associated with your cTrader ID. Here you can also change your password, something that is always recommended when you create new accounts anywhere on the internet.

One of the coolest features cTrader has to offer is the email and push alert system. In the Notifications section, you can adjust which notifications you will receive and how you want to receive them. There is a list of platform names, which are accordions and when you click them more options are revealed. Now you can see each notification for the platform you selected. The options available allow you to choose which accounts you want to receive notifications for and if you want to receive them via email, push or both.

Active Sessions
A new security feature that was introduced is the ability to view and revoke active sessions. As cTrader is a cross-platform application this feature comes in very handy. In the event that you have used a shared computer to access cTrader and forgot to sign out, you can simply revoke the session.

Trading Accounts
The Trading Accounts section is a useful utility for anyone who has multiple trading accounts with different cTrader brokers. Here you can see your complete list of cTrader trading accounts by broker. Next to each heading are links for launching our downloading that specific broker’s instance of cTrader.
Features Coming Soon
In the overview section of the new cTrader ID site, there are two coming soon features to look out for! These are Cloud Charts and Open API. According to the Spotware announcement Cloud Charts is the ChartShots feature cTrader currently has, just stored in the cloud. Open API is most probably the connect.spotware.com site for the Connect API being merged into this portal.
Start Trading on cTrader
Are you ready to start trading on cTrader? If so, don’t forget to check out our complete list of cTrader Brokers.