How Popular is cTrader

There really isn’t a whole lot of digestible information out there on the subject of how popular is cTrader when compared to MetaQuotes Metatrader 4 (MT4) or Metatrader 5 (MT5) platforms. As advocates of cTrader we have decided to compile as much publicly available information to make a reasonably valid comparison.

This comparison doesn’t compare any metrics like trading volumes, number of users or the monthly revenue of the two companies, which of course would be the most accurate way to answer this question. We are looking at a variety of indicators we have found across the internet and social web to answer this question. How popular is cTrader, compared to MetaQuotes Metatrader 4 (MT4) or Metatrader 5 (MT5) platforms.

Community Website (formerly known as which stood for cTrader Developer Network) is Spotware’s own community for traders and algo developers on the cTrader Automate platform (formerly known as cAlgo). Here are some website metrics as of August 10th 2018:

Social Media Metrics

cTrader’s YouTube channel is packed with over one hundred videos on the subject forex trading, technical analysis and risk management, in context of the cTrader platform. There are hundreds of comments and over 1.5 million views, the cTrader is more popular than the MetaQuotes channel.

Android App Installs

The main difference between cTrader and Metatrader apps is that cTrader gives one unique application for each broker, whereas, MetaQuotes expect all traders to use one application and search for their broker. We have added up the combined cTrader installs for all brokers. It took some time, here is the result.

If we look at google trends to compare the search terms cTrader against MetaTrader 5. Here we can see that the  MetaTrader 5 search frequency is approximately 60% more than cTrader.

cTrader Brokers
cTrader Brokers

Best cTrader Brokers is an information portal focused on the cTrader platform and the community of brokers and traders who use the multi-award-winning platform on a daily basis.

cTrader Brokers